LEAP Study Leads to New Peanut Products For Babies

LEAP Study Leads to New Peanut Products For Babies

The announcement of the LEAP-ON study results on March 8, 2016 has come with a wave of new peanut products marketed towards parents wanting to introduce peanuts to their babies.

The LEAP (Learning Early About Peanut Allergy) study found that feeding peanuts early to babies at high risk for developing peanut allergies can sharply reduce their chance of becoming allergic by age 5. The follow up LEAP-ON study found that peanut allergy prevention persists even after a one-year period of avoiding peanut.

Armed with the results of these two studies, many parents are asking: How can we apply the findings of the LEAP study? Parents are hoping to replicate the study for their children and prevent the development of a peanut allergy by introducing trace amounts of peanuts to their babies on a daily basis.

Two new products launched this week, shortly after the LEAP-ON results were published to address this growing demand.


Aralyte is an all-natural, organic food for special dietary use that makes the LEAP regimen easy to put into your routine. The liquid formula contains the precise protein amounts used in the study. The regimen also includes full doses of vitamins, such as Vitamin D, making it perfect for use in combination with breastfeeding or formula. To make things even easier, the formula is less than a teaspoon and was designed for direct feeding or mixing with your infant’s food. Aralyte begins safely in your doctor’s office at 5 months, then is continued daily in the comfort of your home for 3-24 months, depending on your child’s individual risk.


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