Food Allergy Meet Up

Every day I am amazed at the new allergy friendly sites and products I am finding.

Moms and dads are trail blazing the way to make life more comfortable for their food allergic children.

Now more than ever there are numerous allergy friendly products made in “allergen free” facilities. Informational websites and blogs are growing covering recipes, support groups–you name it.

I’ve talked to many people by phone or email and have met a few in person, however I would love to meet many more of you.

I would like to set up a  food allergy meet up. A meeting of those advocating and doing great things for the food allergy community. A way to say hello, discuss what we are working on, among other things in life.

This is not a sales pitch type meet up. It’s not a try to sell your product meet up. It’s just a making new friends within the community meet up. Anyone interested?

It will be held someplace in Massachusetts. Suggestions are welcome. It could be a cafe or restaurant or another venue.

If you are interested, please comment here or send me an email at ruth (at) bestallergysites (dot) com with what times and days would be best for you and where you live. Majority rules on this one.

I’m thinking this will be an adult only event, however I am happy to plan a food allergy kids meet up in the future. Maybe a summer event at a zoo, playground, etc.

I know there are a lot of you in Massachusetts so I’m expecting to hear from you!

Edited to add: If this is successful–perhaps we can go larger scale in the future and do a national weekend meetup for #foodallergy mama’s or parents. A getaway of sorts.