Egg Free Cookies from Egg Free Epicurean

Egg Free Cookies from Egg Free Epicurean

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If you are looking for egg free cookies or an egg free bakery, look no further than Egg Free Epicurean.

Dealing with peanuts and tree nuts? Their products are free from those allergens also.

Egg Free Epicurean (makers of egg free cookies, bars and cupcakes) is located in Vista, California and ships their delicious cookies and bars throughout the United States. Currently their cupcakes are for pickup only.

All of their products are made in a dedicated facility. From their website:

“In our dedicated facility we prohibit eggs, peanuts, and tree nuts, and we obtain all of our ingredients from carefully selected suppliers who take food allergies as seriously as we do.

But we don’t stop there.

We take two additional steps to ensure our food items are not contaminated by these allergens.

1. We conduct enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) tests on our ingredients to verify we can claim they are free of exposure to eggs, peanuts, and tree nuts. The threshold of 10 parts per million (ppm) of an allergen is generally regarded as too low to cause a reaction, so we screen more strictly than that threshold, testing for an exposure threshold of 5 ppm.

2. We send finished products to an independent lab to test for a threshold of 2.5 ppm.”

Their website also includes additional information on allergens and there is a food allergy education page as well.

They recently sent me a sampling of their “fudge explosion cookies”, “campfire blondies” and “OMG – Oatmeal Gourmet cookies”.

The blondies were simply amazing and what I would expect a blondie to be – chewy, buttery, soft and sweet. As an avid baker and having tried to make egg free blondies; I know how difficult it is to get the right texture without the use of eggs.

The fudge explosion cookies (a chocolate chocolate chip cookie) were a little more crumbly in texture but had a wonderful cocoa flavor and were still very soft.

I’m sorry to say that I can’t review the OMG Oatmeal cookies because my husband got to them first and ate them all in one sitting. I’m assuming they were pretty good as they were gone in the blink of an eye and he didn’t offer to share.

All in all I found the products from Egg Free Epicurean to be not only super tasty but fresh. I am thrilled to have found another selection of great egg and nut free products made in a dedicated facility.

To learn more or order your own cookies, click on Egg Free Epicurean to visit their website.


Best Allergy Sites makes every effort to test and review products fairly and transparently. The views expressed in this review are the personal views of Best Allergy Sites and this particular product review was not sponsored or paid for in any way by the manufacturer. However, the manufacturer did give us the product for testing and review purposes.