Can You Help Me Find a Peanut Free Granola Bar Recipe?

I’m looking for a recipe for granola bars that are peanut free. Can you help me?

It seems that every granola bar on the market in the United States contains (or may contain) some form or peanuts or nuts. Peanut and tree nuts are healthy additions to many diets but not those with peanut and tree nut allergies.

Many of us dealing with peanut and tree nut allergies must resort to making our own granola bars and luckily they are pretty easy to make.

About a year ago we published a post challenging companies and the allergy community to come up with great allergy friendly granola bar recipes. Click on Peanut Free Granola Bar Challenge.

Reader Jennifer Larsen shared a recipe she uses and a link to other variations.

If you aren’t up for making your own, Quaker (Canada) makes a line of granola bars that are labeled peanut free and are just as delicious.

You can also find peanut free granola bars though Vermont Nut Free, AllerEnergy and NoNuttin’ Foods.

Find these and other allergy friendly listings in our Food Allergy Guide and Directory under Allergen Free Foods > Packaged Foods > Peanut Free.


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